Username or Password forgotten?
If you forgot your credentials or you get the error message that they are incorrect, please, click on the button:
Le credenziali vi verranno recapitate all’indirizzo mail inserito nella vostra scheda anagrafica.
If you need to add/change the email address and you currently can loginthe portal, please, proceed as follows :
If you need to change the email address in the profile area, but you CANNOT access the portal, please, attach your request with your digital signature to the following form.
If you would like to join a public negotiation (open negotiation), please, follow this procedure:
The event will now be forwarded to the area called My RfIs/My RfQs, you will be able to download the documentation and use the messages tool to ask for clarifications to the buyer.
If you need to reject and invitation to an RfI/RfQ, please, proceed as follows:
If you cannot find the button Decline, please, click on the three dots, click on Delete My Response, click on Decline to Respond
If you need to send or read a message on the portal you should proceed as follows:
This works exactly as an email message.
If you received an invitation to a specific online event on the portal, you should proceed as follows:
Click on Register Now, read and Accept the User Agreement to proceed with the registration.
If you need to add the Categories to your profile, proceed as follows:
If you need to update some info/documents, please, proceed as follows:
Se dovete aggiornare dei dati/documenti di qualifica e NON c'è modifica all'interno delle categorie, occorre verificare di avere l'istanza sbloccata come segue:
Se dovete aggiornare dei dati/documenti di qualifica ma NON c'è modifica all'interno delle categorie, e nemmeno una stringa in aggiornamento dati di iscrizione, occorre chiedere lo sblocco dell'istanza come segue:
Una volta sbloccati, accedete di nuovo all'area albofornitori-gestione dati, aggiornamento dati di iscrizione e procedete col rinnovo.
If you need any clarification regarding the Supplier Register contents, please, proceed as follows:
Alla fine di ogni selezione ci sarà la nota: If the directions given are not helpful, please, complete the following online form. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required
If the directions given are not helpful, please, complete the following online form.
All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required
(Monday – Friday: 09.00 – 18.00) Phone: +39 02124121303 +49 8007244883 for call from Germany or Austria +39 0200704241 for English language assistance Online assistance request